Seminar at UL: ‘Work Around – Practices around Technology, Space and the Ever-changing Nature of Organisational Life’

The second event of the 4th NWL International Seminar Series is approaching. In this seminar we will be hosting Dr. Mark Perry from Brunel University (UK), who will be presenting the paper ‘Work Around – Practices around Technology, Space and the Ever-changing Nature of Organisational Life’.

Dr. Perry is an interdisciplinary researcher with interests spanning cognitive science, computing and social science and ‘user studies’. He was originally trained as a psychologist (BA (Hons.), Cardiff University), a cognitive scientist (MSc, Cardiff), and an interdisciplinary PhD (Brunel), having worked at a variety of places along the way, including Goldsmiths College (London), Hewlet-Packard Research Labs (Bristol), Stanford University (USA), and the Appliance Studio (Bristol). For the past few years, most of his research has revolved around the use of mobile information and communications technology, and in the use and design of ubiquitous/pervasive computing and networked information appliances.

All are welcome to attend. Attendance is open and free, but places are limited therefore prior registration is required.

When: Fri 30th September (2.30-4pm)

Where: UL (room TBC)

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History and Future of HCI

Liam Bannon has a very interesting article on the history and future of HCI in the July+August 2011 issue of Interactions. In it he traces some of the key moments and movements that have influenced the development of HCI: human factors, human centred automation, participative design, CSCW, and most recently interaction design. Liam’s account positions these developments as moves toward a more nuanced approach to understanding how people design and use technology. He concludes this account by considering how a more human-centred approach might re-frame current research topics such as ambient assisted living and the assumed benefits of recording everything about our lives through complete logging of our locations, communications, and purchases. His optimism about this being a time to re-imagine our field through openness to new forms of thinking about human-technology relations captures the commitment to human potential and rigorous thinking that drew many of us to HCI. This article deserves a serious read, and our students deserve to read it too.

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Fifth Irish Human Computer Interaction Conference at CIT in September

2011 marks the fifth year of the annual Irish Human Computer Interaction (iHCI) Conference. This year it will take place on the 8th & 9th of September at Cork Institute of Technology. Full details of the event can be found on the ihci2011 website.

The Irish HCI community has grown considerably over the past number of years supported through the iHCI conferences, the establishment of the ACM SIGCHI chapter, and the partnership with industry mediated through groups such as Interaction Design Association (IxDA Dublin) (IxDA Limerick). The 2011 conference is hosted by the Media Communications Department at CIT, and is a local chapter activity of SIGCHI Ireland.

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New SIGCHI Ireland Website

We’ve just deployed a new website for SIGCHI Ireland to make it easier for groups doing HCI research in Ireland to contribute news, events, and updates. Send an email to Gavin Doherty if you want to register someone from your HCI group.

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Several Irish Papers at CHI 2011

Irish institutions were well represented at CHI 2011, with papers from UCC, DCU, UL, plus two from TCD. This is a great result at such a highly competitive and high profile venue.

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iHCI 2010 Conference Report

CLARITY hosted the fourth Irish Computer Interaction (iHCI 2010) conference in DCU last week. The theme of this year’s conference was “Crossing Boundaries”, which reflects the continued growth of the Irish HCI community. Many of the papers featured within this year’s program explored this theme by discussing or confronting the challenge of working in multiple domains and disciplines. Continue reading

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